CALL FOR PAPERS (Vol.10, Issue 1)
GVU Journal of Science, Health and Technology (GVU-J. SHT) aims to provide a platform for scientists and academics to promote, share, and discuss fundamental and applied aspects of all areas of science and technology, provided that there is a notable advancement in knowledge presented by the work. The journal is dedicated to supporting the mission and vision of Glorious Vision University through science and technology.
Subject areas include, but are not limited to:
- Biochemistry
- Chemistry
- Biotechnology
- Computer Science and Information Technology
- Artificial Intelligence
- Cybersecurity
- Botany
- Mathematics/Actuarial Science
- Microbiology
- Physics
- Nutrition
- Public Health
- Nursing Science
- Sport Sciences
- Zoology/Environmental Biology
- Statistics
- Medical Laboratory Science
- Technology
Instructions for Authors
GVU Journal of Science, Health and Technology (GVU-J. SHT) invites scholars and researchers to submit their scholarly articles that have not been and will not be published elsewhere for inclusion in the forthcoming issue. Manuscripts should be written in English to a publishable standard and compiled in MS Word using Times New Roman, 12-point font size, and double line spacing on A4-sized paper. Please follow the layout guidelines below:
- Title: Concise and descriptive of the paper’s content. The Title Page should include the authors’ full names (with Surnames first, clearly demarcated by commas), affiliations, and the corresponding author’s name, email, and phone number.
- Abstract: Should be informative and self-explanatory, summarizing the scope, significant data, major findings, and conclusions of the research. The abstract should not exceed 200 words. Use standard nomenclature and avoid abbreviations and literature citations. Include a graphical abstract if necessary, ensuring it clearly represents the results.
- Keywords: Provide up to five keywords in italics immediately after the abstract for indexing purposes.
- Introduction: Clearly state the problem, provide background on the subject, and outline the objectives of the work. It should be understandable to a broad audience.
- Materials and Methods: Detail the procedures to allow reproducibility. Cite previously published methods but describe new procedures and modifications in detail.
- Results: Present findings with clarity and precision. Explain results without extensive literature references.
- Discussion: Interpret the findings and their significance. Conclude with a summary of the key results.
- Conclusion: Include the main ideas, findings, possible solutions, and recommendations for further research.
- Acknowledgments: Briefly acknowledge people, grants, funds, and laboratories.
- Tables: Keep to a minimum, designed simply. Prepare in Microsoft Word, numbered consecutively, with headings above. Tables should be self-explanatory.
- Figures: Number figures consecutively, include concise titles at the bottom. Prepare graphics at high resolution before including them in the manuscript file.
- References: Follow the latest edition of APA reference style.
Submission and Peer Review of Manuscripts
Submit manuscripts along with proof of payment of the review fee (Five Thousand Naira, N5,000.00) as email attachments to the editor at You will receive confirmation of receipt within 48 hours. Please note, manuscripts exceeding ten (10) pages will incur additional charges per extra page. Payment should be made to SAU Science-Tech Journal:
- Bank: First Bank plc
- Name of Account: SAU Science-Tech Journal
- Account Number: 2030 810 989
Acceptance and Publication of Manuscripts
After final acceptance, authors will receive an Acceptance Letter. Accepted manuscripts will be copyedited, typeset, paginated, and proofread for publication in the next issue. An article publication fee of Twenty-Five Thousand Naira (N25,000.00) is required. Payment details are the same as above.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of COLBAHS, Glorious Vision University, or the editors. Glorious Vision University and the editors of GVU-J. SHT accept no responsibility for any loss or damage resulting from actions based on the content of this publication.